
Not worked a day job, ever


1992 - 2008

School and University (before I dropped out)


Futile attempts of learning 

14 years of mostly useless interaction with the educational system. The social environment was decent though otherwise I would have become a nerd for the ages - had all the brains and missing social skills for it. 

2008 - now



Becoming an expert in multiple fields

It turns our everything is interesting when it's not forced on you. When they earn you money even domain names become interesting, who knew.

Trial and error

2001 - 2010



Pro chess player

I tried really hard to excel at chess and in many ways overcame my fears and character flaws while playing. But it's an extremely competitive field and I peaked at #822 in the world. Quitting was a great decision even though I was well paid for a 20-year old. After all it's just a game with wooden pieces on a wooden board. No matter its depth, chess was limiting my curiosity for the real world.

2008 - 2014



Web design, SEO, leader or a freelance team

Starting from scratch as a web entrepreneur, I had two content projects that reached 15,000 unique visits a day and many SEO success stories for clients. This was unscalable though, especially since in 2013-2014 Google targeted me personally for my success, banning every website they would find I owned, regardless of what it was about and whether it breached any guidelines.

However my 2014 open letter making the penalty cases public went locally viral and led to a significant number of people to install an ad-blocker, leading to losses in the millions for Google. They immediately stopped all the personal bullying. But it was too late since I had already shifted to an even better industry - domain names.

More success than failure

2014 - 2024

Domain names


Startup founder

In 2014 I co-founded the Edoms startup, most famous for its Seo.Domains brand. When we sold expired domains for half a million USD before creating a website (by just sharing an Excel sheet around), we figured out this is a business to double down on. The total revenue of the company since its launch is 17 million USD and growing fast and it has sold 35,000+ domain names. We are currently looking for an investor to scale up growth.

2022 - now




I decided that in these dynamic times the world needs my help before I grow the startup to an exit so I assembled a non-profit team in parallel - ImpactMindset. Our most important projects are the self-improvement system I Grow Younger and the vital economic hack that can improve the web experience of billions NoCheapTraffic.